Businesses need to innovate and rethink their marketing strategies. The pressure to deliver content-rich and personalized customer experience is greater than ever. Nowadays, customer relationship management and innovation are at the heart of businesses’ concerns. Strategies are constructed around high-quality services and long-lasting partnerships. With the help of specific tools, examples and cases, you will understand how businesses build up their strategies towards business clients. After taking a deep dive into business value chains, you will understand how companies sustainably manage their supply chains, but also how they succeed in delivering the best value for the final user. For the final users, businesses are about to rethink the customer journey by developing more valuable, personalized and meaningful digital touchpoints across this journey. An integrative approach, using concepts and cases will help you to understand how businesses need to disrupt in order to seduce, convert leads, but also keep loyal customers while guiding them to the road of advocacy. Through the use of well-defined frameworks, you will also be able to develop digital platforms linked to specific business models. Thanks to the tools that will be developed in this package, you will be able to evaluate specific digital actions in line with a business’ goal.


ERA113 - Delivering Enhanced Customer Experience (5 ECTS)

ERA114 - Sustainable BtoB strategies and Supply Chain (5 ECTS)

ERA115 - Rethinking the Customer Journey (5 ECTS)

ERA118 - Digital Platform Project (5 ECTS)

EB302EN - Data analysis (5 ECTS)

ERA102 - Soft skills development (5 ECTS)