At EPHEC, embracing internationalization is an integral part of our everyday operations. Through our longstanding dedication to expanding our network, we've cultivated over 200 partnerships with universities worldwide.

Our strategy is to develop our network of academic and corporate partnerships in Europe and around the world, ensuring that we only enter into partnerships that transcend student exchanges and are based on research projects, knowledge exchanges, capacity building and the strengthening of global networks. In doing so, we build equal and reciprocal relationships in which we learn from each other, discuss opportunities and focus on a multidisciplinary approach.
We seek collaboration in the following areas
- Research programmes
- Student exchange for one semester or a full year
- Double degree programmes
- Traineeships in Brussels and abroad
- Short programs: international weeks, BIP’s (Blended Intensive programmes), Summer School
- Faculty and staff exchange
- COIL programmes
- Development cooperation
Erasmus Programme
Erasmus+ is the European Union's (+ Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey ) programme for education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Erasmus + offers millions of Europeans the opportunity to study, train and gain experience abroad.
The 2021-2027 programme has a strong focus on social inclusion, ecological and digital transitions and promoting the participation of young people in democratic life.
It supports the priorities and activities defined in the European Education Area, the Digital Education Action Plan and the Skills Strategy for Europe.

Students on the programme benefit from the following:
- A period of study that counts towards their degree with the ECTS credit system;
- No registration fees at the host university. However, miscellaneous costs (administrative, societies, insurance, transport, etc.) may be requested by the receiving organisation.
Erasmus+ KA171
The Erasmus+ KA171 or International Credit Mobility enables project-based student and staff mobility to specific countries outside the EU. These countries are referred to as Erasmus+ Partner countries. The mobility can take place with partner institutions that commit to the Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) principles.
The International Credit Mobility Project focuses on the mobility of individuals to support, for instance, a common project, a new collaboration, strengthening a partnership or research projects.
EPHEC is engaged in KA171 projects every year, in cooperation with partner institutions around the world.
Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP’s)
Blended Intensive Programmes (BIP) are short, intensive programmes that combine a short-term physical mobility abroad with an online component.
During Blended Intensive Programmes, groups of students or staff (at least 15) undertake a short-term physical mobility abroad combined with a compulsory virtual component facilitating collaborative online learning exchange and teamwork. Participation in the programme is officially recognised with 3 ECTS credits. The duration of the physical component is between 5 and 30 days, but there is no limitation on the duration of the virtual component which can take place before or after the physical component.
Every year EPHEC participates in numerous BIP’s organized by partner institutions. BIP’s are also organized throughout the year.
Partner Institutions
EPHEC has over 200 partners in 69 countries enabling to offer different types of mobility programmes to students and faculty and staff members.
EPHEC sends students out and welcomes students for
- Short mobility (BIP’s, international weeks, internships);
- Mobility for studies during one semester;
- Double degree, enabling some students to obtain 2 degrees at the end of their studies;
- Triple degree, enabling some students to obtain 3 degrees at the end of their studies;
- Mobility for internship during several weeks or one semester.
Faculty and staff members get the possibility to teach and / or get training in a partner institution.
There are many opportunities for collaboration between the business world and EPHEC.
Many partners have understood this and benefit from the expertise of our students to develop their local and international activities. Others contribute to the sustainable employability of our students by being members of our Advisory Council, for example.
In the fields covered by our various study programmes,
you can call on the form of one-off consultancy assignments.
You will be able to submit a thesis subject
Trade missions
During their studies, our students are asked to carry out trade missions abroad for companies wishing to import/export. These missions are organised in partnership with AWEx (Walloon export agency) and its Explort programme, and are supervised by a multidisciplinary team of EPHEC professors.
The aims of these missions are
- To increase students' knowledge of the Walloon economic fabric;
- To contribute to the international development of Walloon companies;
- To strengthen students' interest in business development functions by giving them their first experience in the field.

Our students have to do an internship included in their study programme.
Indeed, our dynamic, motivated and multicultural students can be available to put their learning and skills at the service of your organisation's development.
Ephec students can complete some activities for which there is always a lack of time, help implementing new ideas and projects, conduct a more detailed analysis or research on the problematic areas of the organization’s activities. It can be any other project relevant for the company/organization.
Ephec provides a scholarship to cover most of the intern‘s expenses, so the welcoming organization would not incur costs.
The duration of the internship for business and tech students is 15 weeks from February until end of May.